Technical Terminology in Carnatic Music

 Technical  Terminology

1. Sruthi:


  • The western counterpart of Sruthi is pitch. 
  • In general, sruthi is a pivotal Swara or a reference Swara from where the rest of the swara's can be related. 
  • Sruthi is a special musical note of sound that attracts the human ear.
  •  For practical purposes (22) twenty-two distinct Sruthi's know as the Dhwavimsathi Sruthi's have been identified.
  • A good shruthi is one in which a musician can sing comfortably from Mandhra Sthayi Panchamam to Thara Sthayi Panchamam.

2. Swara:


  •  Swara also called a note is the basis of the entire structure of music. 

There are Seven Swaras their names are presented below :

  Sl.No.               Abbreviation            Name of the Swara
     1                          Sa                        Shadjama

     2                         Ri                         Rishabham

     3                        Ga                       Gandharam

    4                         Ma                       Madhyamam

    5                          Pa                       Panchamam

    6                          Da                       Dhaivatham

    7                          Ni                         Nishadham

The above Seven Saras are know as Sapta Swara's .

Swarantharagatha Sthanas : 

  • Out of the 7 swaras Sadjamam ( Sa )  and Panchamam ( Pa) are called Prakrithi swars or Natural Swaras as they do not undergo any oscillation .
  • The other 5 swaras have two basic  variants each and are called Vikruthis swaras.   
  • Thus, there are a total of 12 swaras and are called  "Dwadasa Swarasthanas"    .

The Twelve Swaras are presented below :                  Abbreviation                Name of the swara

   1                           Sa                              Shadjamam

   2                           Ri1                       Shudha Rishabham

    3                          Ri2                   Chathushruthi Rishabham

    4                         Ga2                     Sadharana Gandharam

     5                         Ga3                      Anthara Gandharam

    6                        Ma1                     Shudha Madhyamam    

     7                        Ma2                      Prathi Madhyamam  

     8                        Pa                            Panchamam 
      9                       Dha1                Shudha Dhaivatham

     10                      Dha2                    Chathushruthi Dhaivatham

     11                       Ni2                           Kaisiki Nishadham 

      12                      Ni3                          Kakali Nishadham

It is to be noted that shadjamam is the most important Swara. The other swaras depend on Sadjamam, without Shadjamam Swarasthana cannot be defined for the other swaras. There is no Ragam without Shadjamam.








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